Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On "Pan's Labyrinth"

Dear Imaginers:
What stayed with you from this film? When you write, please notice each other's responses and, when inspired, respond to them. As for me, I left class disturbed and moved. RN

Friday, February 12, 2010

On Fairy Tales

Please jot down a few words/sentences/paragraphs about what felt most significant/important, most striking for you about the tales. What did you learn? Even those who already spoke of it class, all please share with the class your insights here. Remember, this is informal and can be chatty.

As for me, I am most struck by the way our complex struggles, emotional and others, are told as stories that are easily accessible and at the same time highly symbolic, like a symbolic language, and like dreams, they feel like speaking in code.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome, English 73 Seminar, 2010

Dear All:
Please join this blog. I will ask for your comments/thoughts/questions about various texts and issues brought up in class, about what or what has not been brought up in class that you might want to discuss here with others. Welcome.